Hello Friends:
Wow. It's been a while since I read a title for a blog post that had me actually nauseous. Here's the one that got me - "How is your love life related to your Mother?" Oh. Ewww.
Zoh, tell me about your muzher.
Remember that "Mom" is a real hot button topic for me in general. I'm estranged from my parents, mostly because of my mother's unresolved and untreated mental illnesses. Don't get me wrong - I have a great deal of sympathy for anyone suffers from mental illness; how could I not, given I am in that position myself? But protecting my boundaries means only interacting with people who want to get better; who want to be treated. My mother is not in that category.
So the idea that my past (or present) relationship with her reflects in my love life is utterly anathema. Even though it has to be true, of course. Our relationships with our parents form the basis for how we relate to almost every other person we meet. But love life? I reiterate. Ewww.
The other blog post says, "If you felt you didn’t get enough from your mother, perhaps you also feel that you don’t get “enough” from your partner." Fortunately I have a spouse who has been willing to work with me for many years, addressing both my issues and his, and we have a very good marriage. It takes plenty of effort, but it has really paid off for us. So I guess my first point is this - past (or present) events may have an influence, but they do not have to rule us. We can make changes in our current lives, through therapy, meds, meditation, or whatever, as well as through working with others on relationships. Difficulties are not a forgone conclusion.
The post goes on with a few other phrases that naturally get me going, but also get me thinking. Here's one: "Rejecting our parents only brings us suffering." I'll mention that rejecting them has brought me a lot of peace, and was the only way I was able to carve enough of a safe space to truly being healing. But that isn't really what the poster means - they mean a deep sense of rejecting them on all levels, not just not being in their physical presence. And I agree with that to some extent. Not being able to accept our parents for what they are is very painful.
The post goes on to say, "Even our bodies will feel some degree of unrest until our parents are
experienced inside us in a loving way." This is tough for me. I will not actually be able to experience my 'real' parents inside me in a loving way. That attachment was not made. I can wish for loving parents, caring parents, real parents, outside of myself, but that is not a wish that will come true. Instead, the parent I have is myself. I am now responsible for being what I didn't have, and what I need, then and now. So perhaps this idea of 'experiencing parents inside myself in a loving way' is something I can do with my own inner parent. I can stop wishing for something that does not exist, stop wanting them to be what they are not, and instead look to myself for what I didn't have.
How do you relate to your parents? Are you a parent to yourself? How do you think that reflects in your primary relationships?
Your Hostess With Neuroses
Image credit/info: photoxpress.com woman hides face
9 hours ago